Report on Survey on the Western Front 1914-1918
This report is a comprehensive descrition of the mapping effort during
the Great War, written by a key figure at the time, Colonel E. M. Jack.
In this report, Col. Jack writes:-
- The 1/40,000 was the general administrative map in trench warfare.
It became a trench and tactical map in the latter phases of the war,
but as a rule itwas not regarded as a trench map. It was used for Artillery
of longest range.
- The 1/20,000 was the map commonly used by the Artillery, and as
trenches could be shown on it in sufficient detail to be of use to the
infantry it was the most useful scale of all, and the one that could
least easily be dispensed with.
- The 1/10,000 was regarded as essentially the infantry trench map,
it being possible to show on this scale all but the minutest detail.
This map was alsoused to a large extent by field artillery.
- The 1/5,000 was never issued as a regular trench map, but certain
sheets were produced on this scale at various times and generally for
special purposes.
version, easier to search
version as scanned
Diagrams and map specimens for Appendix