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This is a letter received from Barry Marriott

My Uncle was with the 1st Batt. Attached is a letter he wrote, to my grandmother, a few weeks before he was killed: you may like to place it with the histories you have. I am trying to find out more about his service record; he was 19 when he was killed, he was awarded the MM. I would consider it a honour to put the letter on the web in recognition not only of my uncle but of all ordinary men who fought under appalling circumstances but still retained their sanity. They were just as much poets as Sassoon, Graves, Owen etc.
14 July 1918 1st Middlesex and 2nd Durham Light Infantry headed the action to retake the GHQI Line which included the village of Elzenwalle. The attack was a complete success with 41 German prisoners and four machine guns being taken. John Edward Marriott won his Military Medal in this action.

Barry Marriott

Letter from John Edward Marriott

BEF. France 2.7.18
My Dear Mother,
Many thanks for the parcel of good things which I received last night and please thank Carrie and Eliza for what they sent, and please thank the others for their nice cards, which I shall always keep. I hope you won't be offended but I must say I am sorry you sent the razor, for it cost a tidy bit, and if you remember, I only asked for some razor blades, but never mind, I thank you very much all the same, and please thank Alf for me. I am sorry that you didn't hear for nearly a fortnight, but still Mother dear, you know I wouldn't keep you waiting longer than could be helped. We had a nice supper of the parcel in our dugout last night, one of the boys in my dugout went suddenly on leave last night, after waiting eighteen months, so I'm sure he deserves it. I am sorry that you didn't get the souvenirs I sent you, but let me know if you get the green envelope and the rosary that I sent you. I shall always keep that little one you sent me, and I sincerely hope it will bring me home again, for I am looking after myself with all my might, and you must admit, shells want a lot of dodging at times, but I am ever so careful Mother, for I know you want me back, and I want to come back as I came out, I don't want any wounds, for you can get such cruel ones out here at times, and while they can be dodged, then that's me. I've heard of fellows wishing for Blighties and all they've got is a wooden cross, the best plan is to play the game and so trust luck if you come through, but I can't help mentioning that four times in the last fortnight I have dreamed I was home shortly, for this business can't last long now that Austria has crocked up. I am glad that you sent Dad out some tea and sugar, for with a drop of tea and a pipe of tobacco he is quite content, and we are issued with plenty of tobacco, and the best part is wasted. Cheerio Your loving son,
Johnny xxxxxx

PS Dear Mother,
The next time you want to send me soap, please make it a wedding present, for as we don't usually get a wash for about ten days when we are in the trenches, and seeing the size of the tablets of soap you sent me, then I am certain I shan't want any more soap for duration. To tell the truth Mother, I haven't even used one of the tablets you sent in the last parcel, so you can guess what a sight we look at times. Cheerio Johnny

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