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Extract from War Diary of 1st Queen's14th July 1916. Battalion under orders to fall in ready to move at 3.25 am, but did not move until 10.50 am when Battalion went into position of assembly South of Mametz main road close to Fricourt Cemetery F9a. Transport was brigaded, but parked behind Battalion Bivouac later in the day. 16th K.R.R's were assembled South of the Road with the Queens. 2nd Batt The Worcester Regt. and 9th H.L.I. on North side of the Road. (Details of officers omitted) The strength of the Battalion going into action was 25 officers 697 other ranks. (Details of officers omitted) At 6.0 p.m. the Brigade moved along the Fricourt-Mametz Road to a point of assembly near Flat Iron Copse. On night of 14th-15th the Battalion moved to a position near Bazentin le Petit. A&B Coys had orders to dig in on road from cross tracks near X to cross tracks Y on sketch, C&D Coys in reserve at Z near Bazentin le Grand Wood. The 9th H.L.I. were to dig in on our right from Y to N.W> corner of High Wood. Coys were in position by midnight. A Coy sent out patrols to get in touch with H.L.I.-then patrols went to the N.W. corner of High Wood but failed to find H.L.I. 2nd Lieut. Rouquette afterwards went out & found the H.L.I. about halfway along West edge of wood. Having been unable to get any further as the enemy were in possession of the N edge of the wood. 15th July1916. About 3.0 am 15th it was found necessary to throw back a defensive flank on the right of A Coy owing to infilade fire from the enemy in High Wood down the sunken road the Batt was holding-an old German trench was converted into flank defence and Major Parnell reported position to the Bde. About 7.0 am orders were received that the Battalion was to attack the trench running West from High Wood known as the German Switch. The H.L.I. were to come up on the right and the 1st Middlesex Regt. of 98th Bde. were to attack on the left. No very definite orders received so company commanders would not be given much information except that the left would be 200 yards East of the cross tracks a X and that the frontage would be 500 yards the direction being practically N. Orders were given for A&B Coys to form the firing line with D Coy in support. The front companies were to advance in two moves of 2 platoons each with 2nd wave at 100 yards distance, companies to be in position by 8.0 am. Bombardment was to start at 8.30 am and to last for half an hour. At 8.55 am the first wave was to advance, the distance to the German trench being about 900 yards. While companies were getting into position, the enemy opened heavy enfilade fire with rifles, MGs and shrapnel causing several casualties, Capt. Gurney being wounded. Right Company commander asked for bombardment of NW corner of High Wood, but few shells were sent in time. 8.35 am. Front wave started and almost at once came under fire from both flanks and the front and second wave came under similar conditions and 2nd Lieut. Richards & many men were hit. Line pushed on till within about 200 yards of the German trench when they came under very heavy fire and started to come back. At this stage while the men were being rallied Major Parnell came up on the left with Capt. & Adj. Carslake and in the most gallant way started to lead forward the attack but was almost immediately hit and killed & Capt. Carslake soon afterwards was wounded and 2nd Lieut. Crichton killed. The enemy wire had not been cut by the artillery and when about 100 yards from it the line halted in the long grass and started to dig in. 2 platoons from the support company were then sent forward but did not reach the firing line apparently turning off to the left. 9.25. At 9.25 Capt. Foster A Coy sent back a message that he had reached a point about 100 x from enemy's trench, that wire wasn't cut & H.L.I. had not come up but message did not reach the support line. 10.5 am Lieut. Thrupp on left sent back that he was held up by wire and asking for bombardment to be resumed & for reinforcements. Message got thro' & bombardment started about 12 noon but all shells were short, some pitching behind our own line. 12.30 p.m.. No reinforcements coming up officers remaining held a conference and decided to withdraw as there was considerable danger of their being cut off from the right. Retirement was carried out in small parties to original position on road. This position was heavily shelled during the remainder of the afternoon and evening and during the night of 15th-16th. During the night strong patrols were sent out to get information & bring in the wounded. Casualties this day were 5 officers killed, 11 officers wounded, total 16. Other ranks 38 killed, 52 missing, 207 wounded, total 287. |